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Directors Award Winner - "Forgotten" is an exhibition on view at A. Smith Gallery that will open September 19 through November 2nd, 2014. The juror, Blue Mitchell, is an independent publisher, curator, educator and photographer based in Portland, Oregon. In this exhibition, he has selected 54 images, from a submission of 834, for this exhibition in Johnson City, Texas. Receptions for the exhibition will be on September 27, 4-7pm, and on October 25, from 4 - 7pm. More information about the exhibition may be found on the gallery's Web site at http:/​/​www.​asmithgallery.​com

Bluie East Two - World War II Abandoned Military Base #2

Bluie East Two - World War II Abandoned Military Base #2

"Forgotten," Juror Blue Mitchell, A. Smith Gallery

"Forgotten," Juror Blue Mitchell, A. Smith Gallery