"Saving Olive" Exhibits in "Gone To The Dogs," Niza Knoll Gallery, Jul 17 to Aug 22

July 07, 2015

Saving Olive was selected by juror, Aliki McCain, for the national exhibition, "Gone To The Dogs," opening at the Niza Knoll Gallery, 915 Santa Fe Drive, Denver, Colorado, USA, on July 17 to August 22, 2015. An artists' reception is being held at the gallery from 5-8pm, July 17, during the Art District on Santa Fe's Third Friday Artwalk.  The gallery's hours are Wed-Fri 1-5pm, First and Third Friday 4-8pm, and Saturday from 1-4pm. Visit www.nizaknollgallery.com for further details.


Aliki McCain is an Artist, Exhibition Manager and Curator for ArtHaus Gallery. Based in Denver, Colorado, she oversaw the ArtHaus Gallery for four years with Michael Gladin, where she recently also facilitated Project Education South Sudan. She works as an artist and also obtained her Masters in Fine Art and her Bachelors in Art History at University of California Irvine. She explores the human condition and examines these relationships in her work.


Saving OliveSaving OliveSaving Olive is part of "The (Unwanted) Pooch Puzzle" project, an art exhibition that was coordinated with the SPCA of Wake County, North Carolina, to photograph their dogs to help raise awareness of the need for pet adoption. More details of this exhibition are available on this Web site by clicking here.

Saving Olive

This print is part of a larger solo exhibition titled, "The (Unwanted) Pooch Puzzle," that is currently on exhibition at the SPCA in Wake County, North Carolina.  The project was designed to help support efforts underway to raise funds and awareness of the need to support adoption efforts to rescue domestic pets from euthanasia.  It is estimated that every 9 seconds, an unwanted domestic pet is put down in the U.S., based on studies from the National Council on Pet Population which estimates that 3.7 million are put down each year in animal shelters across the country.


"Gone To The Dogs" Exhibition"Gone To The Dogs" Exhibition

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