Center for Photographic Art, "2016 Members Juried Exhibition", Exhibiting Jun 11 - Jul 24

June 13, 2016

Juror, Heather Snider, the Executive Director of San Francisco Camerawork, a 40 year-old non-profit arts organization dedicated to the photographic arts, selected "Forgotten No. 3" for the 2016 Members Juried Exhibition at the Center for Photographic Art in Carmel, California.  With over 700 submissions, Ms. Snider selected "Forgotten No. 3" as one of 45 prints for exhibition in the Center's gallery.  Ms. Snider also selected an additional 45 images for an online gallery presentation, bringing to total 90 images selected for this exhibition.  "Forgotten No.3" is one of the prints from the series, Forgotten - Series II that depicts a World War II U.S. military base in East Greenland whose scattered fuel drums continue to leak more than a half-century later.  This second series of images were created to integrate a stylistic technique that merges low-key, historic-appearing, black & white photographic style with contemporary bleeding-edge-color to metaphorically expand our awareness of the cleanup that remains.

The Center for Photographic Art is located at Sunset Center at the intersection of San Carolos Street at 9th Avenue, in Carmel, California, and their Web site is  An opening reception is held, Saturday, June 11, from 5pm-7pm; with the exhibition running through July 24th.   A soft-cover catalog featuring all gallery and online selections is available at their Web site.  

Forgotten 3Forgotten 3"Forgotten" is a portfolio of images that depict an old abandoned World War II U.S. Military Base in East Greenland, that is yet, to this day, to be cleaned up. The fuel drums continue to leak over a half-century later, reminding the viewer of the lingering destructive cost of war. The digital technique used in this series metaphorically combines the historic black & white photographic style with the contemporary color edge-bleeding technique to represent the lingering passage of time.

Forgotten No.3







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