Travel Africa Magazine is an international travel magazine covering African destinations, wildlife and culture. Its mission is to convey the excitement of all things African through vivid writing and inspiring photography, backed up by solid facts, expert advice and the latest news for this region. Launched in 1997 and published in the United Kingdom, the magazine is produced by Gecko Publishing. Working in partnership with Gecko Publishing, the African Wildlife Foundation is collaborating to produce articles about conservation and increase awareness of its mission. The Foundation also submits copies each publication to its 3,000+ major donors and partners. The partnership enables the magazine to increase its coverage of special projects and other conservation related issues throughout Africa. The African Wildlife Foundation is one of the World's largest and most active African conservation groups, with headquarters in Nairobi. The organization provides a strong lobbying voice for conservation-related policies at the government level while also engaging local communities and park authorities and other stakeholders in a wide variety of projects across the continent. More information about this partnership may be found online here at
The article, titled "Trails and Beehives to Protect Chimpanzees," is a conservation story about the efforts underway to protect the chimpanzees of Uganda's Budongo Forest. The article describes a partnership with the African Wildlife Foundation, the U.S. Agency for International Development, Uganda's Biodiversity Program and the Jane Goodall Institute, all working together in launching a beekeeping program throughout local communities as a way to inhibit humans encroaching into the chimpanzees' habitat. The article, found on page 3 of issue #72, features this image of a wild chimpanzee I photographed in Uganda's forest in 2014.
Chimpanzee, Photographed in Uganda, 2014